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Expert Tips for Effective Workouts During Ramadan 2023

Expert Tips for Effective Workouts During Ramadan 2023

 Ramadan is a holy month for the Muslim community worldwide, where individuals fast from sunrise to sunset, spend time with family, and celebrate. It is also an excellent time to focus on fitness and eating clean. To maintain or lose weight during this period, it is essential to determine the appropriate workout routine and frequency. A clear mind is necessary to exercise and avoid cravings, which is facilitated by the holiness of the month. Hence, it is important to determine what to focus on during the 30 days of Ramadan.

Fitness Goals During The 30 Days Of Ramadan

During the 30 days of Ramadan, it is recommended to stick to the same workout routine instead of starting a new plan or considering bulking or cutting. This is because when an individual is fasting, they eat less and recover more slowly, making it risky to start a new exercise regimen. Starting a new exercise routine during Ramadan can increase the risk of injury and also affect an individual's performance. Therefore, it is important to maintain consistency in the workout routine during the holy month to avoid any adverse effects on one's health and fitness goals.

Staying Fit and Healthy During Ramadan 2023: Tips for Effective Workouts

Schedule your workouts: With a change in eating habits during Ramadan, it is essential to schedule workouts before iftar or after suhoor to avoid fatigue and dehydration during the day.

Incorporate strength training: 

While cardiovascular exercises are important, strength training should not be neglected. It helps maintain muscle mass and keeps the metabolism going.

Choose low-intensity exercises: 

High-intensity exercises should be avoided during Ramadan as they can cause fatigue and dehydration. Low-intensity workouts like yoga, Pilates, and brisk walking are recommended.

Stay hydrated: 

It is crucial to stay hydrated during Ramadan. Ensure to drink plenty of water and fluids during non-fasting hours to avoid dehydration during workouts.

Don't skip suhoor: 

Suhoor is an essential meal to sustain energy levels during the day. Skipping it can lead to fatigue and weakness during workouts. Include protein-rich foods like eggs, Greek yogurt, and nuts to keep you satiated.

Listen to your body:

 During Ramadan, it is important to listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself beyond your limits. If you feel fatigued or dizzy, take a break, and rest.

Gradually increase intensity:

 Towards the end of Ramadan, gradually increase the intensity of workouts to prepare the body for returning to a regular exercise routine.

Consult a professional: 

It is always best to consult a fitness professional or a doctor before starting a new exercise routine during Ramadan, especially for those with pre-existing medical conditions.
